Fragantes flores de Sai Educare.
¿Cómo nutre el Maestro Jardinero, sus retoños preciosos?
Era 16 de mayo 1964. Bhagavan había bendecido y realizado la ceremonia del cordón ha más de
El jardinero divino ha tomado sobre sí la tarea de cultivar un hermoso jardín. Con agua y con

El movimiento de Bal Vikas echó raíces en 1969, con la fundación de la Organización Baba Vibhaag Mahila (ala de las mujeres). Hablando con ellos Baba dijo: "Ejecutaremos un Vihar Bala para los niños pequeños, donde van a escuchar las historias de las Escrituras, la épica, y las vidas de los santos de todas las religiones. Los niños también deben ser entrenados para cantar bhajans y
La idea del movimiento Bal Vikas, es crear una generación de niños y niñas que tengan la
¿Cómo nutre el Maestro Jardinero, sus retoños preciosos?
Era 16 de mayo 1964. Bhagavan había bendecido y realizado la ceremonia del cordón ha más de
300 niños. Al dirigirse a los corazones jóvenes que habían sido iniciados en el Mantra Gayatri
después del Upanayam, Baba dijo: "Bodha (enseñanzas y consejos) es la semilla que hay que
sembrar en el corazón, el agua es el amor (prema), el abono es la fe y la valentía, para mantener las
plagas alejadas son los bhajans (cantos devocionales) y sathsang (compañía de los buenos), por lo
que al final ustedes se puede beneficiar. Esta semilla de las buenas enseñanzas se convertirá en el
árbol del conocimiento, y el rendirá el fruto de la sabiduría. "
El jardinero divino ha tomado sobre sí la tarea de cultivar un hermoso jardín. Con agua y con
cuidado se preocupa por todos sus retoños y se deleita en verlos convertirse en grandes árboles,
arbustos y matorrales maduros y exuberantes jardines que dan belleza y placer, frutas y alimento,
sombra y descanso para toda la humanidad. Y para este jardín, Sai ha creado un vivero
encantador. Él lo llamó : Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas.

El movimiento de Bal Vikas echó raíces en 1969, con la fundación de la Organización Baba Vibhaag Mahila (ala de las mujeres). Hablando con ellos Baba dijo: "Ejecutaremos un Vihar Bala para los niños pequeños, donde van a escuchar las historias de las Escrituras, la épica, y las vidas de los santos de todas las religiones. Los niños también deben ser entrenados para cantar bhajans y
exponer pequeñas obras de teatro con selección de temas clásicos, que les debe enseñar a
cultivar hábitos de disciplina, ya que estos solos pueden garantizar la felicidad:.. tanto individual
como social "
La idea del movimiento Bal Vikas, es crear una generación de niños y niñas que tengan la
conciencia limpia y clara. Por lo tanto, es la base principal para el gran objetivo de restaurar el
dharma (rectitud) en el mundo, es el vivero donde árboles jóvenes crecen antes de convertirse en
parte del Jardín Sai. Y en la actualidad, este vivero está floreciendo bajo el amoroso servicio a los
miles de Bal Vikas Gurus en todas partes.
Este es un ejemplo de tales muestras hermosas:

Saisha Sharma es de Shimla, en el estado de Himachal Pradesh. Ella relata:
Harish del estado de Karnataka aprendió el gozo de la verdad, después de un pequeño incidente.
"Durante la realización de un proyecto de trabajo, mis amigos me obligó a jugar al cricket. Cuando comenzamos nuestro profesor de Química se acercó y preguntó por qué estábamos haciendo ruido.
Gandhi Mayank Katni de 15 años, de Madhya Pradesh, compartió su cita breve con el diablo el que resistió con éxito:
Estos niños son temerosos del pecado y aprenden buenos valores. Baba cuenta la historia de un
Este tipo de ingenio, es empleado a menudo por los niños Bal Vikas, como la Sra. Nikhilasai
"Ayer yo estaba viajando con mi familia en un coche. Mi padre iba manejando cuando de repente
"Anteriormente, nuestra vida era amargamente infeliz. No había paz en nuestros corazones y
"Empecé a ver grandes cambios en mí. Me enteré de que Dios reside en todos.
"El Grupo-II Bal Vikas cambio mi estilo de vida, porque tengo a mi madre como mi Gurú aquí.
Lecciones de vida son necesarias y el costo para aprender en la vida ! de hecho, estos dos se les
A medida que estos árboles jóvenes crecen, no compiten entre sí. No son envidiosos del éxito de los
Mahaziver Maestro, de Maharashtra, se siente bendecido de estar en Bal Vikas. Ella sonríe y dice:
H2H Archivos
La historia del "Festival de la Alegría 'en la Divina Presencia - 24 a 26 octubre 2005
Rajdeep Bose de Bengala Occidental, sirve para ilustrar las buenas características que se han
"Un día, mi compañero de clase, el jeque Mohammed Ali, se olvidó de llevar su lunchera. Nadie le
"Yo soy un huérfano muy pobre y vivía en el refugio Puina (casa) para niñas, situado en
"Recuerdo un incidente importante que ocurrió en 2009. Por la gracia de Swami, yo era parte de

"Ni bien comenzó nuestro viaje de regreso, cuando el tren estaba en Dharmavaram, recibimos un
Este artículo es una recopilación de extractos, seleccionados de una publicación distribuida a todos
Este es un ejemplo de tales muestras hermosas:

Saisha Sharma es de Shimla, en el estado de Himachal Pradesh. Ella relata:
"Una vez mis amigos me llamaron y me obligaron a acompañarlos a el complejo Ritz, para ver una
película en hindi. Ya que estaba sola en casa, pensé en ir con ellos, sin decirle a mi mamá.
Cuando me preparé y estaba cerrando la puerta, un pensamiento de repente me vino a la mente
que si yo soy deshonesto, nadie en mi vida sería honesto conmigo. Esto era lo que mi guru Bal
Vikas me había enseñado. Así que llamé a mis amigos de nuevo para decirles que no iba a acompañarlos. "
Harish del estado de Karnataka aprendió el gozo de la verdad, después de un pequeño incidente.
"Durante la realización de un proyecto de trabajo, mis amigos me obligó a jugar al cricket. Cuando comenzamos nuestro profesor de Química se acercó y preguntó por qué estábamos haciendo ruido.
Todos mis amigos mintieron diciendo que simplemente trabajaban en los proyectos.
En mi interior, sabía que había cometido un error y que no debería engañar a los maestros. Así
que le dije la pura verdad, que estábamos jugando cricket. Ella se alejó en silencio, sin castigo o
sintiendo que traicionaba a los otros. Yo sentía que estaba contenta con la verdad. También me
sentía bien después de decir la verdad en lugar de sufrir la culpa de la mentira. "
Gandhi Mayank Katni de 15 años, de Madhya Pradesh, compartió su cita breve con el diablo el que resistió con éxito:
"Una vez tuve notas muy pobres en los exámenes. Al igual que muchos de mis amigos, pensé que
tal vez podría copiar la firma de mi padre en mi boletín de calificaciones. Pero más tarde descarte
la idea, porque sabía que ha Swami no le gustaría. El simple pensamiento que me vino fue -"No
puedes ser un malhechor". Me estaba convirtiendo en una persona que se atiene a la verdad y la
moral, gracias a Bal Vikas. "
Estos niños son temerosos del pecado y aprenden buenos valores. Baba cuenta la historia de un
ermitaño que ve un ciervo corriendo . Un cazador pronto lo sigue, y se confunde, en cuanto a dónde se fue el venado. Él se enfrenta a la ermitaño y dice: "Dime viejo, ¿a dónde fue el ciervo.
Recuerde, usted no puede mentirme. "Decir la verdad sería la muerte para los ciervos.
El ermitaño sonríe y le dice: "Estimado señor! Los ojos que ven, no tienen la capacidad de hablar,
y la lengua que habla no ve! "
Este tipo de ingenio, es empleado a menudo por los niños Bal Vikas, como la Sra. Nikhilasai
Chakkera de Vadodra en Gujarat recuerda:
"Bal Vikas me ha ayudado a resolver muchos problemas en la escuela. Un día, durante mis
exámenes, uno de mis amigos me llamó en voz baja y me pidió una respuesta.
Actué como si yo no la escuchara, porque me habían enseñado que no debo ayudar a los
estudiantes a hacer trampa en los exámenes, ya que no les ayudará en su progreso y el dañara
su futuro ".

La capacitación en el marco de los gurús no sólo ayuda a que los niños se abstengan del mal

La capacitación en el marco de los gurús no sólo ayuda a que los niños se abstengan del mal
comportamiento y malas acciones, sino que también inculca en ellos valores y buenos principios.
Los cambios son a veces muy sutiles pero poderosos definitivamente.
Dikshita Uppal de Panchkula, Haryana, habla como Bal Vikas genero un sutil cambio en ella:
"Ayer yo estaba viajando con mi familia en un coche. Mi padre iba manejando cuando de repente
llegaron unos monos de frente al vehículo y uno de ellos fue atropellado . Lamentablemente se
murió! En el momento en que vi esto, mis manos automáticamente se juntaron y mis labios
murmuraban oraciones para que su alma pueda descansar en paz.
Este tipo de sentimiento se produjo sólo por la gracia de Dios y las clases Bal Vikas que nos enseñó
el valor de la unidad y el amor. "
El caso de Sajjan Kumar, del estado de Rajastán es un buen ejemplo del poder del amor. Baba
El caso de Sajjan Kumar, del estado de Rajastán es un buen ejemplo del poder del amor. Baba
dice que el amor es el arma más poderosa que aniquila la enemistad, sin matar al enemigo,
destruye la maldad, sin destruir a los malos. Con lágrimas de gratitud a Swami, narra:
"Anteriormente, nuestra vida era amargamente infeliz. No había paz en nuestros corazones y
mentes. En mi escuela quinto grado, yo era muy cruel, un gallo de combate y débil en los estudios.
Dañar a los demás era mi rutina diaria. Mis padres me regañaban por mis actividades malas, pero
no me importaba. Yo no comía adecuadamente. Yo llegaba a casa sólo al final del día y veía la
televisión. Mis padres me golpeaban, y abusaban de mí y me quería morir! Luego vino Bal Vikas.

"Empecé a ver grandes cambios en mí. Me enteré de que Dios reside en todos.
Empecé a cantar bhajans. Empecé a respetar a mis padres y los ancianos. Yo aprendí oraciones.
Mi familia se ha transformado. Los días difíciles todavía están allí. Hay momentos en que mis
padres no tienen trabajo, pero me consuelo diciendo que los días difíciles pasaran, como el día
llega después de cada noche. También disfruto y me anima en mis estudios. "
A menudo escuchamos la frase de que una manzana podrida, puede echar a perder toda la cesta.
Parece que hay un cambio de paradigma aquí y una buena manzana puede transformar la
canasta entera en buenos frutos. Eso fue lo que sucedió en el caso de Sajjan Kumar.
Es la misma historia cuando se trata de Kumari Sai Sneha Das de Bhubhaneshwar, Orissa:
"El Grupo-II Bal Vikas cambio mi estilo de vida, porque tengo a mi madre como mi Gurú aquí.
Ella me ha guiado tanto en la clase y en la vida real. Mi familia que era totalmente no-vegetariana,
se convirtió en vegetariana en sus hábitos alimentarios. Antes de Bal Vikas, yo nunca había visto a
ninguno de los miembros de mi familia haciendo oración o cantando bhajans. Ahora veo a mis
abuelos y otros miembros de mi familia, interesarse en los bhajans y Dios. Me siento muy feliz y
orgulloso. Yo tenia falta de confianza en mi mismo al principio. Pero sabiendo que Swami está
conmigo siempre, me he vuelto mucho más seguro! "
Lecciones de vida son necesarias y el costo para aprender en la vida ! de hecho, estos dos se les
enseñan sinérgicamente como hemos aprendido de Nikita Rath, una niña de catorce años de edad de Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Ella dice:
"Recuerdo que yo solía obtener una moneda 1 rupia de mis padres por un buen comportamiento, guardado en una alcancía como dijo mi profesor de Bal Vikas. Pero, por cada error, dos rupias
serían quitadas de la misma. Fue para recordarme que cuando la alcancía se abriera antes del
cumpleaños de Bhagavan, sólo el buen trabajo realizado se cuenta. De esta manera aprendí a
ahorrar y gastar con prudencia y ha comportarme bien. "
A medida que estos árboles jóvenes crecen, no compiten entre sí. No son envidiosos del éxito de los
demás y celebran la alegría de los demás, compartiendo los dolores. No hay diferencias de casta,
credo, raza o religión. El Bal Vikas es un jardín feliz de una gran variedad.
Mahaziver Maestro, de Maharashtra, se siente bendecido de estar en Bal Vikas. Ella sonríe y dice:
"Baba ha declarado que todas las religiones son iguales en esencia. Después de desarrollar la
propia religión nos llevará más cerca de Dios. Esto ha sido reforzado por Bal Vikas, y mi fe en mi
propia religión, Zoroastrismo, se ha fortalecido.
De hecho, fui bendecido con la oportunidad de cantar nuestras oraciones Zorastrian en la Divina
Presencia en el Festival de la Infancia celebrada en Prashanti Nilayam en 2005. "
H2H Archivos
La historia del "Festival de la Alegría 'en la Divina Presencia - 24 a 26 octubre 2005
Rajdeep Bose de Bengala Occidental, sirve para ilustrar las buenas características que se han
desarrollado en él, gracias a Bal Vikas.
"Me siento muy afortunado de tener la bendición de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, por poder asistir a Bal Vikas. Trato de mantener la paz siempre y es por eso que fui seleccionado como
ayudante de la clase. Cada año, después de mis exámenes anuales, recojo las páginas en blanco de
todos los cuadernos de ejercicios y las reúno para su re-utilización. En Bal Vikas se nos enseña a no
desperdiciar nada.

"Un día, mi compañero de clase, el jeque Mohammed Ali, se olvidó de llevar su lunchera. Nadie le
dio algo de comer porque él era musulmán. Compartí mi alimento porque creo que en una sola
religión, la de la humanidad. Otro día, cuando todos estábamos corriendo y jugando, una niña
pequeña se cayó y sufrió un corte en la rodilla. La llevé ha primeros auxilios y le curaron la herida.
La chica me dio las gracias y me sentí muy feliz.
Bal Vikas es una bendición de Sai Baba. "
Hay una pequeña historia sobre el Jardinero divino. Un día, mientras estaba paseando por el
jardín, al ver sus plantas, estaba muy feliz y relajado. De repente, oyó el llanto de un niño. Se dio la
vuelta para ver que una de flor de cempasúchil estaba derramando lágrimas. Con todo el amor, Él
se acerco a la flor y le preguntó: "Mi pequeña! ¿Por qué lloras? "En medio de sollozos la caléndula
respondió:" Lloro porque no soy tan bella como la rosa. Yo no soy tan fragante como las rosas. Si
yo fuera como una rosa, podría haberlo hecho mucho más feliz ha usted! "
El jardinero sonrió. Secó las lágrimas de la bella y le dijo: "Querida, si quería otra rosa, hubiera
El jardinero sonrió. Secó las lágrimas de la bella y le dijo: "Querida, si quería otra rosa, hubiera
plantado otra rosa. Yo te planté porque quiero la caléndula. Te quiero a ti. Te amo. Él la besó
suavemente a la flor y una amplia sonrisa se apoderó de los pétalos de la caléndula. Y el jardinero
continuó su paseo.
Baba ha hecho que cada niño se sienta especial en su propia forma. Cada uno ha experimentado
su amor y sienten como Swami ha llegado ha ellos. Esa es la historia sin par de su amor.
Una pequeña flor del jardín Sai, se niega a decir su nombre, pero ella escribe:
"Yo soy un huérfano muy pobre y vivía en el refugio Puina (casa) para niñas, situado en
Thangmeiband Yumnam Leikai en Imphal. Cuando tenía 5 años de edad, había sido traído a esta
casa a través de un milagro por el Bienestar de la Infancia de la Comunidad de la Gob. de
Manipur. Tengo una buena comida, ropa suficiente y buena educación. Pero echaba de menos el
amor de mis padres que me había perdido, y muchas veces me desalentaba.
"Eso cambió en una mañana de domingo en septiembre de 2005, cuando algunas damas y
"Eso cambió en una mañana de domingo en septiembre de 2005, cuando algunas damas y
caballeros sonriendo llegaron a nuestra casa y hablaron con la señorita Anee, sobre cómo iniciar
clases de Bal Vikas, aquí. A partir de ese día, aprendí cosas buenas para todos, como la
meditación, el canto del Omkara y las historias de muchos héroes. Ahora, me levanto temprano y
oro a Swami. Puedo tomar un baño, cambiarme de vestido y voy a la Sala de Meditación. Por la
noche, tenemos bhajans, estas sesiones me han dado todos mis amigos cercanos. Mis estudios han
mejorado y he recibido mucho amor de todo el mundo. Yo no me siento sola nunca más.
"Soy un niño todavía en sexto grado. Quiero terminar el curso de Bal Vikas y convertirse en un
oven Seva Dal para servir a mi salvador Sathya Sai Baba para siempre ".
Sai Kripa Pratek de Bihar y Jharkhand, tuvo una experiencia inolvidable. Él relata:
Sai Kripa Pratek de Bihar y Jharkhand, tuvo una experiencia inolvidable. Él relata:
"Recuerdo un incidente importante que ocurrió en 2009. Por la gracia de Swami, yo era parte de
la compañía de teatro que realizo el drama de nuestro estado. La noche antes del drama, nuestro
presidente estatal recibió las instrucciones, que no habría presentación . A todos nos puso muy
triste y llore amargamente. Fue en ese momento que me acordé de una historia que mi Bal Vikas
Gurú me había dicho sobre el poder de la oración. Swami me dio la idea muy buena de hacer 108
pradakshinas (circunvalación) en torno al templo de Ganesha en la mañana. No pasó nada y al día
siguiente, salimos de Puttaparthi.

"Ni bien comenzó nuestro viaje de regreso, cuando el tren estaba en Dharmavaram, recibimos un
mensaje que Baba había llamado para que volviéramos y poder ver nuestro drama! Nuestra felicidad no tenía límites - Swami había detenido el tren por nuestra causa. Volvimos y presentamos el drama!
Swami paso más de tres horas con nosotros! "
H2H Archivos
'Educare' Drama de la Juventud Sai de Bihar y Jharkhand - 14 de marzo 2009
El jardín de Sai es fresco y fragante. Es siempre hermoso, porque ha sido atendido por el
H2H Archivos
'Educare' Drama de la Juventud Sai de Bihar y Jharkhand - 14 de marzo 2009
El jardín de Sai es fresco y fragante. Es siempre hermoso, porque ha sido atendido por el
Jardinero divino mismo. Y estos jardines están presentes en todo el país.
Vamos a dar un paseo por favor, por estos viveros naturales y disfrutar de una bocanada de aire
fresco en el mundo, de tanta contaminación. Vamos a probar los dulces frutos de virtud y de
inocencia y dejar que estos sabores permanezcan en nosotros. Vamos a obtener inspiración para
recoger las herramientas y las semillas, para empezar a ayudar en el mantenimiento y el
florecimiento de estos jardines, cuyo propietario y cuidador, es Dios mismo.
Este artículo es una recopilación de extractos, seleccionados de una publicación distribuida a todos
los delegados al "Programa de Maestro Entrenadores Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas ,para el Grupo-III, celebrada en Prashanti Nilayam del 15 al 17 julio 2011.
- Radio Sai equipo

The Bal Vikas movement took roots in 1969 with Baba founding the Mahila Vibhaag (women’s wing) of the Organization. Speaking to them Baba said, "Run a Bala Vihar for young children where they will listen to stories from the scriptures, the epics, and the lives of saints belonging to all religions. Children must also be trained to sing bhajans and enact small plays with themes selected from the classics. They must be taught to cultivate habits of discipline, for these alone can ensure happiness: both individual and social."
The idea of the Bal Vikas movement is to raise a generation of boys and girls who have a clean and clear conscience. Thus it is the primary basis for the grand goal of restoring dharma (righteousness) in the world; it is the nursery where saplings are tended to before they become part of the Sai Garden. And today, this nursery is flourishing under the loving service of the thousands of Bal Vikas Gurus everywhere.
Here is a sample of such beautiful samplings:

Saisha Sharma is from Shimla in the state of Himachal pradesh. She recounts:
“Once my friends called me and forced me to accompany them to the Ritz complex to see a Hindi movie. Since I was alone at home, I thought of going with them without telling my mom. As I got ready and was locking the door, a thought suddenly came into my mind that if I am dishonest with anyone, my own life would be dishonest with me. This was what my Bal Vikas guru had taught me. So I called my friends again to tell them I would not be coming.”
Harish from the state of Karnataka learnt the joy of truth after a small incident.
“During a project work assignment, my friends forced me to play cricket. As we began our Chemistry teacher walked in and questioned as to why we were making a noise. All my friends lied saying they were simply working on the projects. Deep inside I knew I had made a mistake and that we should not lie to teachers. So I told her the plain truth that we were playing cricket. She walked away quietly without punishing or even chiding us. I felt she was happy with the truth. I also felt good after telling the truth instead of suffering the guilt of lying.”
15 year old Mayank Gandhi from Katni in Madhya Pradesh shared his brief tryst with the devil which he successfully withstood:
“Once I got very poor marks in my exams. Like many of my friends, I thought maybe I could copy my father’s signature on my report card. But later I discarded the idea because I knew that Swami would not like it. The simple thought that came to me was - ‘I cannot be a wrong doer’. I was developing into an individual who abides by truth and morality, thanks to Bal Vikas.”
It is not as if these children are foolhardy in their following of values. Baba tells the story of a hermit who sees a deer running for its life. A hunter soon follows and is confused as to where the deer went. He confronts the hermit and says, “Tell me old man, where did the deer go. Remember, you cannot lie to me.” Speaking the truth would be death for the deer. The hermit smiles and says, “Dear sir! The eyes that see do not have the ability to speak and the tongue that speaks did not see!”
This kind of wit and tact is often employed by the Bal Vikas children as Ms. Nikhilasai Chakkera from Vadodra in Gujarat recollects:
“Bal Vikas has helped me solve a lot of problems in school. One day during my exams, one of my friends called me in a whisper and asked for an answer. I acted as if I did not hear her because I had been taught that I should not help students to cheat during exams as it did not help them in their progress and only caused harm to their future.”

The training under the gurus not only helps the children refrain from bad behaviour and wrong actions, it also inculcates in them values and good principles. The changes are sometimes very subtle but definitely powerful.
Dikshita Uppal from Panchkula, Haryana, talks about one such subtle change Bal Vikas brought in her:
“Yesterday I was travelling with my family in a car. My father was driving when suddenly some monkeys came in front of the vehicle and one of them got hit. Unfortunately he died! The moment I saw this, my hands automatically folded and lips murmured prayers so that his soul could rest in peace. This kind of feeling came only by God’s Grace and the Bal Vikas classes which taught us the value of oneness and love.”
The case of Sajjan Kumar from the state of Rajasthan is a fitting example of the power of love. Baba says that Love is the greatest weapon for it annihilates enmity without killing the enemy; it destroys the badness without destroying the bad people. With tears of gratitude to Swami, he narrates:
“Previously our lives were bitterly unhappy. There was no peace in our hearts and minds. In my 5th standard I was very callous, a fighter cock and weak in studies. Hurting others and quarelling was my daily routine. My parents scolded me for my bad activities but I did not care. I did not eat properly. I would come home only late in the night and watch TV. My parents beat me up, abused me and asked me to die! Then came Bal Vikas.
“I began to see tremendous changes in me. I learnt that God resides in all. Can you imagine that I started singing bhajans?! I started to respect my parents and elders. I learnt prayers. My family has transformed. Hard days are still there. There are times when my parents don’t get work but I console them saying that tough days will pass just like day arrives after every night. They also love me and encourage me in my studies.”
We often hear the phrase of one bad apple spoiling the whole basket. There seems to be a paradigm shift here and one good apple seems to transform the whole basket into good fruits. That was what happened in the case of Sajjan Kumar.
It is the same story when it comes to Kumari Sai Sneha Das from Bhubhaneshwar, Orissa:
“The Group-II Bal Vikas changed my life style because I got my mother as my Guru here. She guided me both in class and real life. My family which was completely non-vegetarian became vegetarian in food habits. Before Bal Vikas, I had never seen any of my family members doing prayers or singing bhajans. Now I see my grandparents and other members of my joint family taking interest in bhajans and God. I feel very happy and proud. I had lacked self-confidence initially. But knowing that Swami is with me always has made me much more confident!”
Lessons for life are not at the cost of lessons needed for a living! in fact both of these are taught synergistically as we learn from Nikita Rath, a fourteen year old girl from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. She says:
“I remember that I used to get a Re.1 coin from my parents for one good behavior to be put in a piggy bank as told by my Bal Vikas teacher. But for each mistake, two rupees would be taken away. It was to remind me that when the piggy bank would be opened before Bhagawan’s birthday, only the good work done would count. This way I learnt to save and spend judiciously and also to behave well.”
As these saplings grow, they do not vie with each other. They are not envious of the success of others and celebrate each others' joy while sharing the sorrows. There is no bar of caste, creed, race or religion. The Bal Vikas is a happy garden of great variety.
Mahaziver Master, from Maharashtra feels blessed to be in Bal Vikas. She smiles as she says:
“Baba has stated that all religions are the same in essence. Following one's own religion will take one closer to God. This has been reinforced by Bal Vikas, and my faith in my own religion, Zorastrianism, has been strengthened. In fact I was blessed with the opportunity to chant our Zorastrian prayers in the Divine Presence at the Children’s festival held in Prashanti Nilayam in 2005.”

Fragrant blossoms of Sai Educare
How the Master Gardener nurtures His precious saplings
It was May 16, 1964. Bhagawan had blessed and performed the thread ceremony of over 300 children. While addressing these young hearts who had been initiated into the Gayathri Mantra after theupanayanam function, Baba said, “Bodha (teachings and advice) is the seed which you must plant in the heart, water this sapling with prema (love), manure it with faith and courage, keep off pests with the insecticides of bhajan (devotional singing) and sathsang (company of the good), so that in the end you can benefit. This seed of good teachings will grow into the tree of knowledge, and yield the fruit of wisdom.”
The Divine Gardener has taken upon Himself, the task of cultivating a beautiful garden. He waters and gently cares for all His saplings and delights in watching them grow into mighty trees, mature shrubs and bushes, and lush lawns that give beauty and pleasure, fruits and nourishment, shade and rest for all humanity. And for this garden, Sai created a lovely nursery too. He called it - Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas.
How the Master Gardener nurtures His precious saplings
It was May 16, 1964. Bhagawan had blessed and performed the thread ceremony of over 300 children. While addressing these young hearts who had been initiated into the Gayathri Mantra after theupanayanam function, Baba said, “Bodha (teachings and advice) is the seed which you must plant in the heart, water this sapling with prema (love), manure it with faith and courage, keep off pests with the insecticides of bhajan (devotional singing) and sathsang (company of the good), so that in the end you can benefit. This seed of good teachings will grow into the tree of knowledge, and yield the fruit of wisdom.”
The Divine Gardener has taken upon Himself, the task of cultivating a beautiful garden. He waters and gently cares for all His saplings and delights in watching them grow into mighty trees, mature shrubs and bushes, and lush lawns that give beauty and pleasure, fruits and nourishment, shade and rest for all humanity. And for this garden, Sai created a lovely nursery too. He called it - Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas.

The Bal Vikas movement took roots in 1969 with Baba founding the Mahila Vibhaag (women’s wing) of the Organization. Speaking to them Baba said, "Run a Bala Vihar for young children where they will listen to stories from the scriptures, the epics, and the lives of saints belonging to all religions. Children must also be trained to sing bhajans and enact small plays with themes selected from the classics. They must be taught to cultivate habits of discipline, for these alone can ensure happiness: both individual and social."
The idea of the Bal Vikas movement is to raise a generation of boys and girls who have a clean and clear conscience. Thus it is the primary basis for the grand goal of restoring dharma (righteousness) in the world; it is the nursery where saplings are tended to before they become part of the Sai Garden. And today, this nursery is flourishing under the loving service of the thousands of Bal Vikas Gurus everywhere.
Here is a sample of such beautiful samplings:

Saisha Sharma is from Shimla in the state of Himachal pradesh. She recounts:
“Once my friends called me and forced me to accompany them to the Ritz complex to see a Hindi movie. Since I was alone at home, I thought of going with them without telling my mom. As I got ready and was locking the door, a thought suddenly came into my mind that if I am dishonest with anyone, my own life would be dishonest with me. This was what my Bal Vikas guru had taught me. So I called my friends again to tell them I would not be coming.”
Harish from the state of Karnataka learnt the joy of truth after a small incident.
“During a project work assignment, my friends forced me to play cricket. As we began our Chemistry teacher walked in and questioned as to why we were making a noise. All my friends lied saying they were simply working on the projects. Deep inside I knew I had made a mistake and that we should not lie to teachers. So I told her the plain truth that we were playing cricket. She walked away quietly without punishing or even chiding us. I felt she was happy with the truth. I also felt good after telling the truth instead of suffering the guilt of lying.”
15 year old Mayank Gandhi from Katni in Madhya Pradesh shared his brief tryst with the devil which he successfully withstood:
“Once I got very poor marks in my exams. Like many of my friends, I thought maybe I could copy my father’s signature on my report card. But later I discarded the idea because I knew that Swami would not like it. The simple thought that came to me was - ‘I cannot be a wrong doer’. I was developing into an individual who abides by truth and morality, thanks to Bal Vikas.”
It is not as if these children are foolhardy in their following of values. Baba tells the story of a hermit who sees a deer running for its life. A hunter soon follows and is confused as to where the deer went. He confronts the hermit and says, “Tell me old man, where did the deer go. Remember, you cannot lie to me.” Speaking the truth would be death for the deer. The hermit smiles and says, “Dear sir! The eyes that see do not have the ability to speak and the tongue that speaks did not see!”
This kind of wit and tact is often employed by the Bal Vikas children as Ms. Nikhilasai Chakkera from Vadodra in Gujarat recollects:
“Bal Vikas has helped me solve a lot of problems in school. One day during my exams, one of my friends called me in a whisper and asked for an answer. I acted as if I did not hear her because I had been taught that I should not help students to cheat during exams as it did not help them in their progress and only caused harm to their future.”

The training under the gurus not only helps the children refrain from bad behaviour and wrong actions, it also inculcates in them values and good principles. The changes are sometimes very subtle but definitely powerful.
Dikshita Uppal from Panchkula, Haryana, talks about one such subtle change Bal Vikas brought in her:
“Yesterday I was travelling with my family in a car. My father was driving when suddenly some monkeys came in front of the vehicle and one of them got hit. Unfortunately he died! The moment I saw this, my hands automatically folded and lips murmured prayers so that his soul could rest in peace. This kind of feeling came only by God’s Grace and the Bal Vikas classes which taught us the value of oneness and love.”
The case of Sajjan Kumar from the state of Rajasthan is a fitting example of the power of love. Baba says that Love is the greatest weapon for it annihilates enmity without killing the enemy; it destroys the badness without destroying the bad people. With tears of gratitude to Swami, he narrates:
“Previously our lives were bitterly unhappy. There was no peace in our hearts and minds. In my 5th standard I was very callous, a fighter cock and weak in studies. Hurting others and quarelling was my daily routine. My parents scolded me for my bad activities but I did not care. I did not eat properly. I would come home only late in the night and watch TV. My parents beat me up, abused me and asked me to die! Then came Bal Vikas.

“I began to see tremendous changes in me. I learnt that God resides in all. Can you imagine that I started singing bhajans?! I started to respect my parents and elders. I learnt prayers. My family has transformed. Hard days are still there. There are times when my parents don’t get work but I console them saying that tough days will pass just like day arrives after every night. They also love me and encourage me in my studies.”
We often hear the phrase of one bad apple spoiling the whole basket. There seems to be a paradigm shift here and one good apple seems to transform the whole basket into good fruits. That was what happened in the case of Sajjan Kumar.
It is the same story when it comes to Kumari Sai Sneha Das from Bhubhaneshwar, Orissa:
“The Group-II Bal Vikas changed my life style because I got my mother as my Guru here. She guided me both in class and real life. My family which was completely non-vegetarian became vegetarian in food habits. Before Bal Vikas, I had never seen any of my family members doing prayers or singing bhajans. Now I see my grandparents and other members of my joint family taking interest in bhajans and God. I feel very happy and proud. I had lacked self-confidence initially. But knowing that Swami is with me always has made me much more confident!”
Lessons for life are not at the cost of lessons needed for a living! in fact both of these are taught synergistically as we learn from Nikita Rath, a fourteen year old girl from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. She says:
“I remember that I used to get a Re.1 coin from my parents for one good behavior to be put in a piggy bank as told by my Bal Vikas teacher. But for each mistake, two rupees would be taken away. It was to remind me that when the piggy bank would be opened before Bhagawan’s birthday, only the good work done would count. This way I learnt to save and spend judiciously and also to behave well.”
As these saplings grow, they do not vie with each other. They are not envious of the success of others and celebrate each others' joy while sharing the sorrows. There is no bar of caste, creed, race or religion. The Bal Vikas is a happy garden of great variety.
Mahaziver Master, from Maharashtra feels blessed to be in Bal Vikas. She smiles as she says:
“Baba has stated that all religions are the same in essence. Following one's own religion will take one closer to God. This has been reinforced by Bal Vikas, and my faith in my own religion, Zorastrianism, has been strengthened. In fact I was blessed with the opportunity to chant our Zorastrian prayers in the Divine Presence at the Children’s festival held in Prashanti Nilayam in 2005.”
H2H Archives
The story of the 'Festival of Joy' in the Divine Presence - October 24-26, 2005
Rajdeep Bose from West Bengal further illustrates the good traits that have developed in him, thanks to Bal Vikas.
“I am very lucky that I have got the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba from my Bal Vikas class. I try to maintain peace always and that is why I was selected as class monitor. Every year, after my annual exams, I collect the unused pages of all exercise books and bind them for reuse. In Bal Vikas we are taught not to waste anything.
“One day, my classmate, Sheik Mohammed Ali forgot to bring his tiffin. Nobody gave him anything to eat as he was a Muslim. I shared my tiffin for I believe in only one religion, that of humanity. Another day, when all of us were running and playing, a small girl fell down and suffered a cut on her knee. I took her for first aid and got the wound dressed. The girl thanked me and I felt so happy. Bal Vikas is a blessing of Sai Baba.”
There is a little story about the Divine Gardener. One day as He was strolling in the garden, seeing His plants, He was very happy and relaxed. Suddenly, He heard the wailing of a child. He turned around to see that a little marigold flower was shedding tears. With all love, He held the blossom and asked, “My little one! Why do you cry?” Amidst sobs the marigold replied, “I cry because I am not as beautiful as the rose. I am not as fragrant as the rose. If I were like a rose, I could have made you much happier!”
The Gardener smiled. He wiped away the tears of the beautiful one and said, “Dear one, if I wanted another rose I would have planted another rose. I planted you because I want marigold. I want you. I love you. He gently kissed the flower and a broad smile came over the marigold's petals. The Gardener continued along His stroll.
Baba has made each child feel special in His own way. Each one has experienced His love and feels like Swami has come for them. That is the matchless story of His Love.
One little flower from the Sai Garden, refuses to tell her name but she writes:
“I am a very poor orphan staying in Puina’s shelter (home) for girls situated in Thangmeiband Yumnam Leikai in Imphal. When I was 5 years old, I had been brought to this Home through a miracle by the Child Welfare Community, Govt. of Manipur. I got good food, enough clothes and good education. But I missed the love of my parents whom I had lost; it often disheartened me.
“That changed on one Sunday morning in September 2005, when some smiling ladies and gents came to our home and spoke to Miss Anee about starting a Bal Vikas class here. From that day onwards, I learnt so many nice things like meditation, chanting Omkara and stories of many heroes. Now, I get up early and pray to Swami. I take bath, change my dress and go to the Meditation Hall. In the evening, we havebhajans; these sessions have brought all of my friends close to one another. My studies have improved and I receive so much love from everyone. I don’t feel lonely anymore.
“I am a child still in the 6th standard. I want to finish the Bal Vikas course and become a Youth Seva Dal to serve my saviour Sathya Sai Baba forever.”
Sai Kripa Pratek from Bihar and Jharkhand had an unforgettable experience. He recounts:
“I remember an important incident that happened in 2009. By Swami’s grace, I was part of the troupe performing the drama from our state. The evening before the drama, our state president received the instructions that there would be no performance. We all became very sad and cried bitterly. It was at this time that I remembered a story that my Bal Vikas Guru had told me about the power of prayer; this kept occurring in my head very strongly. Swami gave me the very good thought of doing 108 pradakshinas(circumambulation) around the Ganesha temple in the morning. Nothing happened and the next day, we left Puttaparthi.
The story of the 'Festival of Joy' in the Divine Presence - October 24-26, 2005
Rajdeep Bose from West Bengal further illustrates the good traits that have developed in him, thanks to Bal Vikas.
“I am very lucky that I have got the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba from my Bal Vikas class. I try to maintain peace always and that is why I was selected as class monitor. Every year, after my annual exams, I collect the unused pages of all exercise books and bind them for reuse. In Bal Vikas we are taught not to waste anything.

“One day, my classmate, Sheik Mohammed Ali forgot to bring his tiffin. Nobody gave him anything to eat as he was a Muslim. I shared my tiffin for I believe in only one religion, that of humanity. Another day, when all of us were running and playing, a small girl fell down and suffered a cut on her knee. I took her for first aid and got the wound dressed. The girl thanked me and I felt so happy. Bal Vikas is a blessing of Sai Baba.”
There is a little story about the Divine Gardener. One day as He was strolling in the garden, seeing His plants, He was very happy and relaxed. Suddenly, He heard the wailing of a child. He turned around to see that a little marigold flower was shedding tears. With all love, He held the blossom and asked, “My little one! Why do you cry?” Amidst sobs the marigold replied, “I cry because I am not as beautiful as the rose. I am not as fragrant as the rose. If I were like a rose, I could have made you much happier!”
The Gardener smiled. He wiped away the tears of the beautiful one and said, “Dear one, if I wanted another rose I would have planted another rose. I planted you because I want marigold. I want you. I love you. He gently kissed the flower and a broad smile came over the marigold's petals. The Gardener continued along His stroll.
Baba has made each child feel special in His own way. Each one has experienced His love and feels like Swami has come for them. That is the matchless story of His Love.
One little flower from the Sai Garden, refuses to tell her name but she writes:
“I am a very poor orphan staying in Puina’s shelter (home) for girls situated in Thangmeiband Yumnam Leikai in Imphal. When I was 5 years old, I had been brought to this Home through a miracle by the Child Welfare Community, Govt. of Manipur. I got good food, enough clothes and good education. But I missed the love of my parents whom I had lost; it often disheartened me.
“That changed on one Sunday morning in September 2005, when some smiling ladies and gents came to our home and spoke to Miss Anee about starting a Bal Vikas class here. From that day onwards, I learnt so many nice things like meditation, chanting Omkara and stories of many heroes. Now, I get up early and pray to Swami. I take bath, change my dress and go to the Meditation Hall. In the evening, we havebhajans; these sessions have brought all of my friends close to one another. My studies have improved and I receive so much love from everyone. I don’t feel lonely anymore.
“I am a child still in the 6th standard. I want to finish the Bal Vikas course and become a Youth Seva Dal to serve my saviour Sathya Sai Baba forever.”
Sai Kripa Pratek from Bihar and Jharkhand had an unforgettable experience. He recounts:
“I remember an important incident that happened in 2009. By Swami’s grace, I was part of the troupe performing the drama from our state. The evening before the drama, our state president received the instructions that there would be no performance. We all became very sad and cried bitterly. It was at this time that I remembered a story that my Bal Vikas Guru had told me about the power of prayer; this kept occurring in my head very strongly. Swami gave me the very good thought of doing 108 pradakshinas(circumambulation) around the Ganesha temple in the morning. Nothing happened and the next day, we left Puttaparthi.

“While on our return journey, when the train was at Dharmavaram, we received a message that Baba had called us back to see our drama! Our happiness knew no bounds - Swami had stopped the train for our sake. We came back and the drama happened! Swami spent more than three hours with us!”
H2H Archives
‘Educare’ Drama by Sai Youth from Bihar and Jharkand - March 14, 2009
The Sai Garden is a fresh and fragrant one. It is forever beautiful for it has been tended to by the Divine Gardener Himself. And these gardens are present all over the country. Let us please take a stroll in these beautiful nurseries and enjoy a whiff of fresh air in the otherwise polluted world. Let us taste the sweet fruits of virtues and innocence and let these flavours linger in us. Let us get inspired to pick up spades and seeds and start helping in the maintenance and blossoming of these gardens whose owner and care-taker is God Himself.
This article is a compilation of select excerpts from a publication distributed to all the delegates of 'Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Master Trainers Programme for Group-III' held in Prasanthi Nilayam from July 15-17, 2011.
H2H Archives
‘Educare’ Drama by Sai Youth from Bihar and Jharkand - March 14, 2009
The Sai Garden is a fresh and fragrant one. It is forever beautiful for it has been tended to by the Divine Gardener Himself. And these gardens are present all over the country. Let us please take a stroll in these beautiful nurseries and enjoy a whiff of fresh air in the otherwise polluted world. Let us taste the sweet fruits of virtues and innocence and let these flavours linger in us. Let us get inspired to pick up spades and seeds and start helping in the maintenance and blossoming of these gardens whose owner and care-taker is God Himself.
This article is a compilation of select excerpts from a publication distributed to all the delegates of 'Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Master Trainers Programme for Group-III' held in Prasanthi Nilayam from July 15-17, 2011.
- Radio Sai team
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